Faceit Account Finder & Steam ID Stats

BackslashN - steam id 76561198069452789

BackslashN (Offline)

  • Level 62
  • 13 year ago


Badge Collector
No badge collectors found
Hearts of Iron IV 107d 21h 34m
Garry's Mod 63d 15h 26m
Mount & Blade: Warband 60d 19h 11m
Kenshi 60d 15h 23m
Fallout: New Vegas 57d 23h 21m
RimWorld 56d 18h 19m
Total War: WARHAMMER II 56d 8h 26m
Stellaris 54d 6h 35m
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition 53d 12h 6m
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord 51d 3h 17m
Total War: WARHAMMER III 49d 7h 27m
Cruelty Squad 48d 7h 55m

Tokumo SteamID

Vanity URL aNewLineInJava
AccountID 109187061
SteamID 76561198069452789
Steam2 ID STEAM_0:1:54593530
Steam3 ID [U:1:109187061]
Invite URL https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069452789
Short URL https://s.team/p/76561198069452789

Bans and restrictions

Game Bans 8
VAC Bans 2 Ban (394 days ago)
Community Ban In Good Standing
Trade Ban In Good Standing

Hours per platform

Total 0h 0m
Windows 0h 0m
Linux 0h 0m
MacOS 0h 0m