Faceit Account Finder & Steam ID Stats

KiRATiNA - steam id 76561198089067428

KiRATiNA (Offline)

  • Level 1315
  • China
  • 12 year ago

「推しは推せる時に推せ」 https://linktr.ee/KiRATiNA

Badge Collector
No badge collectors found
Monster Hunter: World 120d 14h 45m
Borderlands 2 106d 8h 30m
Hatsune Miku VR 97d 6h 10m
VR Kanojo 97d 5h 3m
Counter-Strike 2 93d 4h 28m
Grand Theft Auto V 66d 3h 54m
Apex Legends 50d 17h 21m
NieR:Automata™ 42d 4h 44m
Cuphead 12d 10h 39m
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 7d 11h 1m
theHunter: Call of the Wild™ 6d 1h 37m
Borderlands GOTY 5d 1h 1m

Tokumo SteamID

AccountID 128801700
SteamID 76561198089067428
Steam2 ID STEAM_0:0:64400850
Steam3 ID [U:1:128801700]
Invite URL https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089067428
Short URL https://s.team/p/76561198089067428

Bans and restrictions

Game Bans In Good Standing
VAC Bans In Good Standing
Community Ban In Good Standing
Trade Ban In Good Standing

Hours per platform

Total 0h 0m
Windows 0h 0m
Linux 0h 0m
MacOS 0h 0m