Faceit Account Finder & Steam ID Stats

Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot - steam id 76561198213909425

Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot (Looking to Trade)

  • Level 26
  • Sao Tome & Principe
  • 10 year ago

SteamTradeMatcher QuickMatch URL [www.steamtradematcher.com] Send me a Trade Offer

Badge Collector
No badge collectors found
No awards found
PAYDAY 2 2897d 19h 52m
PAYDAY: The Heist 2894d 19h 55m
Greyfox 2894d 2h 21m
Bad Rats 2717d 15h 5m
Incitement 3 1451d 20h 44m
Flesh Eaters 1451d 19h 40m
Lup 1451d 19h 13m
Super Mustache 1451d 19h 10m
Risky Rescue 1451d 18h 51m
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee 1451d 18h 40m
AI: Rampage 1451d 18h 7m
Neon Hardcorps 1451d 18h 3m

Tokumo SteamID

Vanity URL fatalerrorgoat
AccountID 253643697
SteamID 76561198213909425
Steam2 ID STEAM_0:1:126821848
Steam3 ID [U:1:253643697]
Invite URL https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198213909425
Short URL https://s.team/p/76561198213909425

Bans and restrictions

Game Bans In Good Standing
VAC Bans In Good Standing
Community Ban In Good Standing
Trade Ban In Good Standing

Hours per platform

Total 0h 0m
Windows 0h 0m
Linux 0h 0m
MacOS 0h 0m