What's more important, the data or the jazz? Sure, sure, 'Information should be free' and all that--but anyone can set information free. The jazz is in how you do it, what you do it to, and in almost getting caught without getting caught. The data is 1's and 0's. Life is the jazz.
Vanity URL | SinderRroze |
AccountID | 70666298 |
SteamID | 76561198030932026 |
Steam2 ID | STEAM_0:0:35333149 |
Steam3 ID | [U:1:70666298] |
Invite URL | https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030932026 |
Short URL | https://s.team/p/76561198030932026 |
Game Bans | In Good Standing |
VAC Bans | In Good Standing |
Community Ban | In Good Standing |
Trade Ban | In Good Standing |
Total | 0h 0m |
Windows | 0h 0m |
Linux | 0h 0m |
MacOS | 0h 0m |