So I have been playing Mordhau for 1,563 hours now. The problem is I keep coming back to the maul. I try out new weapons but no luck. Its the crunch, the bonk, the satisfying disintegration of head-like shapes. It makes me crazy. I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with zwei`s. Zwei`s make me crazy haha. I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with zwei`s. Zwei`s make me crazy haha. I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with zwei`s. Zwei`s make me crazy haha.
Vanity URL | |
AccountID | 357480352 |
SteamID | 76561198317746080 |
Steam2 ID | STEAM_0:0:178740176 |
Steam3 ID | [U:1:357480352] |
Invite URL | |
Short URL | |
Game Bans | In Good Standing |
VAC Bans | In Good Standing |
Community Ban | In Good Standing |
Trade Ban | In Good Standing |
Total | 0h 0m |
Windows | 0h 0m |
Linux | 0h 0m |
MacOS | 0h 0m |